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Troubleshooting and Maintenance

While the deployment procedures should be enough for weekly deployments, being on-call and performing maintenance regularly requires doing more. The following are somewhat common procedures that you might need to do:

Worker Managers

Azure Batch Worker Managers

We use Azure Batch worker managers to automatically spin up VMs and start CodaLab workers on them. For more information, see the following documentation.

Restarting the worker managers for

If for some reason the Docker container running the worker manager fails, go through the following steps to restart the container:

  1. SSH into the server by running azure/ vm-clws-<env>-server-0.
  2. Run docker ps -a to list all the containers including the ones that exited.
  3. Run docker restart <name of the failed worker manager container>

Add/remove workers with static VMs

If there is an issue with Azure Batch, we may want to start some workers with static VMs, while investigating the issue.

We use the venv/bin/python script for this.

To add and delete workers:

venv/bin/python -m <env> -t gpuworker -a create,install,start -i 0-5  # Adds 6 workers with GPUs, starting from index 0
venv/bin/python -m <env> -t gpuworker -a stop,delete -i 0-5           # Deletes the workers

Or simply run ./up-gpuworker and ./down-gpuworker.

Sometimes the commands fail. These operations are idempotent, so you can just run it again.

Kubernetes Worker Managers

To configure a GKE cluster, following the instructions here.


A Kubernetes worker manager is already running as a service for If a new cluster needs to be configured and created for this instance, update the values of the environment variables accordingly in the script and then redeploy by following the instructions in this deployment documentation.

Adding disks

While Azure supports 32 TB disks, backups only work for disks of 4 TB, so that's what we will do.

Do this when the disk usage of all the disks is greater than 80%.

  1. Log into and go to vm-clws-prod-server-0, then click on the "Disks" option in the side menu.

  2. Click "Create and attach a new disk" to add a new disk called disk-clws-prod-server-<id>, where <id> is just incremented on the current number.

  3. Choose Premium SSD and 4 TB for the size. Increment the value of "LUN" from the last number.

disk config

  1. We can't make Linux partitions of more than 2 TB using fdisk, so we'll just format the entire disk.

    azure/ vm-clws-prod-server-0
    sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sd<letter>  # get this from seeing what shows up at the end of `dmesg`. For example, it might say "[sdm] Attached SCSI disk" which means that <letter> is equal to m.
    mkdir /data/codalab<id>
    sudo mount /dev/sd<letter> /data/codalab<id>
    sudo chown -R azureuser:azureuser /data/codalab<id>
    mkdir /data/codalab<id>/bundles
  2. Finally, add an entry to the "If everything reboots" section of this page with value: sudo mount /dev/sd<letter> /data/codalab<id>, so that it is easy to remount this disk if needed.

  3. Restart CodaLab on the prod server so that the new bundle partition will be recognized. (from the deployment directory, run: venv/bin/ansible-playbook -i ansible/prod.inventory ansible/server.yml -e mode=prod -t stop,start).

  4. To test this out, upload a file. Then run ls /data/codalab<id>/bundles to ensure that the file uses the new disk (it should use the new disk by default because CodaLab always prefers the disk with the most free space).

Freeing up disk space on dev

To free up disk space on dev, you need to delete bundles that are taking up too much space.

To see which bundles are taking up too much space, you can run cl search size=.sort- .limit=100.

On the other hand, if you want to check the raw disk to see which bundles are taking up space (in case some of these bundles were not properly cleaned up), run:

azure/ vm-clws-dev-server-0
du -h /data | sort -h

Then, you can delete the bundles (using cl rm) which are taking up the most space.

Bulk delete recently created bundles on dev

Sometimes, we might have a lot of staged bundles on dev that were created due to testing. If you need to bulk delete recently created bundles on dev (don't do this on prod!), you can run the following command:

for i in {1..10000}; cl rm --force $(cl search .after=2021-08-02 .limit=1000 state=staged -u); done

If everything reboots

This should be very rare, but if something bad happens on Azure (like all our VMs get suspended), then here's how you bring everything back. You may also need to run these steps if you manually stopped / started one of the VMs on Azure.

Restart mysql:

azure/ vm-clws-prod-mysql-0    # log into database server
cd mysql-server
docker-compose up -d

Set things up on the main server:

azure/ vm-clws-prod-server-0    # log into main server

# Mount disks manually
sudo mount /dev/sdc /data/codalab0
sudo mount /dev/sdd /data/codalab1
sudo mount /dev/sde /data/codalab2
sudo mount /dev/sdf /data/codalab3
sudo mount /dev/sdg1 /data/codalab4
sudo mount /dev/sdh1 /data/codalab5
sudo mount /dev/sdi1 /data/codalab6
sudo mount /dev/sdj1 /data/codalab7
sudo mount /dev/sdk /data/codalab8
sudo mount /dev/sdl /data/codalab9
sudo mount /dev/sdm /data/codalab10

# Stop the default nginx that's running or else it interferes with the version from docker that we try to start
sudo service nginx stop

And then just run the usual script to re-deploy the server.

Then bring all the workers up too.

Sometimes, the mount points (such as dev/sdc) may change. If the above command doesn't work, run lsblk to see the right mount points.

If things hang on

Try one or more of the following: - Restart Docker daemon: sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker - Delete CodaLab networks: python3 stop && docker network prune - Make sure that the Docker Daemon has the right IP ranges configured (you can ask support about this): sudo cat /etc/docker/daemon.json

And then restart CodaLab.

SSH into machines

This repo comes with an SSH script that uses the certs that come with it to SSH into our Azure VMs. Use that script, you can't SSH into the VMs without this repo's certs

azure/ vm-clws-<env>-<machine-type>-<index>

Some examples:

azure/ vm-clws-dev-server-0        # dev environment, server (only 1)
azure/ vm-clws-prod-gpuworker-1    # prod environment, worker with GPUs (2nd one)
azure/ vm-clws-prod-mysql-0        # prod environment, MySQL server (only 1)

It is handy to have a wrapper script that's in your PATH that has this:

    cd <path to this repo> && azure/ vm-clws-$1-$2-${3:-0}

Check docker logs

Sometimes you need to check docker logs to see the logs of CodaLab components. To do so, SSH into the machine which runs the docker container you want to check and do the following:

docker ps -a                                               # make sure the container is running
docker logs <container> --tail 100                         # print the last 100 lines of logs, probably more useful
docker logs <container> 2>&1 | grep <pattern>              # grep in the docker logs, useful to find a bundle UUID or a particular error
docker logs <container> --since 60m 2>&1 | grep <pattern>  # find what you're looking for but only if it happened within the past hour

Manually clear worker caches and restart

TODO: Our workers sometimes are flaky right now. Periodically, run the script to see how things are going:

./check-workers | tee workers.log

Sometimes you need to manually debug workers. If all workers are down a good idea is to clear their caches and restart them. To do so, for each worker:

azure/ vm-clws-<env>-worker-0    # log in to the worker
cd worker                              # stop the worker Docker container
docker-compose down
sudo bash                              # become root to clear all worker caches
cd /mnt/scratch/bundles
rm -rf *
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
exit                                   # exit root, this brings you back to ~/worker as azureuser
docker-compose up -d                   # start worker again
exit                                   # log out of worker

Edit Ansible tasks

In the background ansible applies the tasks with the variables and templates found in the following files to the server machine described in the inventory file.

You don't need to fully understand what's going on here but familiarity with what Ansible does is good, so it's recommended to take a look. It's a good idea to start with the tasks files to see each individual step Ansible takes when setting the machine up:

# Main entry point (just sources credentials, prod|dev, common, server|worker)

# Credentials for all instances

# Specific to environments

# Installation of general environment

# Server

# Workers

Manually pushing default cpu/gpu images

Whenever Dockerfile.default-cpu or Dockerfile.default-gpu changes on a release, we usually release the new Docker images automatically through GitHub Actions. Here are steps to release these images manually, if needed:

Make sure environment variables $CODALAB_DOCKER_USERNAME and$CODALAB_DOCKER_PASSWORD are set based on the credentials. Then run:

python3.6 build default-cpu default-gpu -v latest --push

If you are doing a release of a version (e.g., v0.3.3), then also push that version:

python3.6 build default-cpu default-gpu -v v0.3.3 --push

MySQL Issues

The Azure VM with MySQL server goes down

Check the server logs to see if the MySQL server went down:

sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'vm-clws-prod-mysql-0' (111)")
(Background on this error at:

Resolve the issue by following these steps:

  1. Log on to the Azure Portal.
  2. Search the server name in the search bar. If there is an issue with the MySQL server for our prod instance, you would search vm-clws-prod-mysql-0.
  3. Check the Service Health Events of the VM and verify that there was some disruption that caused the VM to go down. For more information, see the following documentation.
  4. Restart the VM by clicking Restart and wait for the restart to complete.
  5. Follow the steps here to restart MySQL for the CodaLab instance.
  6. Verify that the CodaLab instance is back up and can serve requests.

MySQL server connection issues during dev deployment

When deploying to dev, you may sometimes run into an exception that it can't connect to the database. For example,

return Connection(*args, **kwargs)", "process:   File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/MySQLdb/\", line 164, in __init__", "process:     super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)", "process: sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, \"Can't connect to MySQL server on 'vm-clws-dev-mysql-0' (111)\")", "process: (Background on this error at:"]}

To fix this, go into the Azure console and restart vm-clws-dev-mysql-0 and vm-clws-dev-server-0. Also, make sure that the disks are properly attached for vm-clws-dev-mysql-0.

Manual intervention needed to resolve MySQL database issues

Sometimes you need to manually debug the database. To do so:

azure/ vm-clws-prod-mysql-0    # log into database server
docker ps                            # make sure MySQL image is running

# enter MySQL interface (see `ansible/roles/credentials/vars/main.yml` for MySQL login)
docker exec -it mysqlserver_mysql_1 mysql -u bundles_user -p -D codalab_bundles

You can find the MySQL passwords in this file.

Rarely, we may have a situation in which someone requests a password reset for an email address, but doesn't receive the link due to some unknown issue, and they contact us to help. Here, we need to do a manual reset. Follow the following steps:

  1. First, prove that the requestor owns the given email. Send a test email to and ask the requestor to send you the contents of the email to ensure that they have access to the inbox.

  2. Go to the CodaLab instance website (e.g. and request a password reset of

  3. Manually SSH into the MySQL DB (see section above).

  4. Run the following SQL query to get the latest created user reset code: sql select r.code from user_reset_code r inner join user u on r.user_id = u.user_id where = '' order by date_created desc limit 1;

  5. Send the user a URL in the following format to allow them to reset their password:[userresetcode]

Restoring MySQL database for

The following are the instructions to restore the MySQL database from a backup for These instructions will also fix the "Schrodinger's table" issue, where a table exists and doesn't exist simultaneously.

Please be extra careful when following these instructions.

  1. Run cd /nlp/u/codalab/codalab-worksheets.
  2. Ensure all the services are stopped by running: python3 stop.
  3. Move the problematic mysql files by renaming the folder: mv /home/codalab/mysql/ /home/codalab/mysql-corrupted/.
  4. Double check that the codalab_bundles database is now empty:
  5. Start just the MySQL service by running: ./ start -p --service mysql.
  6. Run docker exec -it codalab_mysql_1 /bin/bash.
  7. Run mysql -u root --password=codalab.
  8. Run use codalab_bundles;.
  9. Run SHOW TABLES; which should output that there are no longer any tables in the database.
  10. Find the right mysqldump.gz file to restore. The dump files are stored at path /juice/u/codalab/var/codalab/monitor/.
  11. Restore from the backup by running: zcat <Path to dump file> | docker exec -i codalab_mysql_1 mysql -u root --password=codalab codalab_bundles.
  12. Repeat step 4 to double check that the codalab_bundles database is correctly populated.
  13. Restart by running python3 stop && ./
  14. Once you verify that everything is working, delete the corrupted folder at /home/codalab/mysql-corrupted/. DO NOT DELETE /home/codalab/mysql.


When we're not getting Slack notifications

If we're not getting Slack notifications through SendGrid, log on to SendGrid using these credentials, follow the steps here and make sure the DNS records are installed for domain for our GoDaddy account.

Installing docker-compose on

If docker-compose is not available on, run:

wget -O /usr/bin/docker-compose